I am such a nerd... but you all already know that.
I have completed something I am very proud of... a 7th doctor vest.....
I had NO PATTERN I mapped out the print on graph paper and just winged it on the vest part.... It is boxy but it is the first piece of adult clothing i have ever hooked. And it fits... a little boxy and big in the stomach area but it fits@!
anyway on another note... I am on the look out for a 9 button. 1 inch size... I got all the others at Nashville comic con....
That is all the nerdiness i have time for tonight... see ya tomorrow!
"The double act between them is sublime," said Moffat. "It’s one of those happy accidents – there’s no reason why they should be, but they are absolutely adorable and hilarious together." Ok, I don't want any spoilers on the 50th... I want to be surprised when I watch it but this little snip of they are "adorable" and like "2 old ladies"... OK now I want it to b November already LOL. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/loGm3vT8EAQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Y'all I am exhausted... on my feet asleep exhausted. But it was SO worth it! Got to geek out with my bestie all weekend. She did her thing and get Norman Reedus to sign everything under the sun... I did my thing and looked at all the vendors trying to snag cool merch. And helping her "stalk" reedus a little. LOL.
I got some TARDIS earrings, a couple of decals for my car.... (1 TARDIS, 1 Deathly Hollows), and some pins, got a Bruce Campbell autograph for the Hubs, and got some good memories and sore feet.
It was amazing. Can't wait til the next one I get to go to... :)
And on a final weary note before getting back to work on this dragging by Monday....
This comment was posted today to that article I listed in the last post...
If you do what he says and go back and look at all the old stories you'll notice that after the very first regeneration, the one form Hartnell to Troughton, the Doctor explains that what happened was a "...function of my ship, without it I would die"
If you then go look at stories such as Wargames The 5 Doctors, Underworld, and the last 3 episodes of 2007's series three, you'll notice that the Timelords have the technology to induce endless numbers of regenerations through machines that they even give away to lesser races.
From watching these episodes it's a fairly straight forward assumption that they can, if they choose, forego using their OWN regenerations (of which they come equipped with 12) IF they have the technology to hand, (ie The TARDIS)
By simply lo oking at ALL the evidence of what goes on round the regenerations we've seen, (and not just listening to Engin) you can conclude that any regeneration that the Doctor has undergone while in proximity of The TARDIS was basically the ship doing what it did in Tenth Planet, and essentially using IT'S power to regenerate him.
In answer to the next question...
Why didn't the same thing happen for the Master?
Simple... while the Doctor stole a TARDIS with a faulty navigation and chameleon circuit, The Master stole the one one Clara told the Doctor to avoid, the one that had a faulty "regeneration" system...
Prove me wrong...
Me: excellent! I love this. It took a lot of effort to think this one up. I just wanted to share this Guy's idea!
1. What about the restoration field in the Pandorica and the "reset" of the universe? Could that have possibly "reset" his regenerations as well?
Me: No. The universe didn't "start over" it just started... it was the big bang. We didn't get a redo on history.
2. River gave all of her regenerations to save the doctor. He must have more than 12 now if he got all of hers.
Me: She'd have 10 left if she wasn't anything between Melody and Mels but then Melody regenerates in the 60's so she would have HAD to have done at least one more to grow up in the 90s with Amy and Rory. So that takes it down to 9 that we know of. Let's say one was used to heal the doctor from the poison... that leaves 8. I will take that.. but Moffat says "count the regenerations" so I don't think he is going with this VERY OBVIOUS way out.
3. The Hartnell Doctor was "renewed" at the end of The Tenth Planet. The Troughton Doctor was a rejuvenated version of the same man. He had his appearance changed at the end of The War Games. The first time we saw the Doctor "regenerate" (from Pertwee to TBaker) was at the end of Planet of Spiders.
Me: Renewed = regenerate. Splitting hairs. I can see counting the 2 to 3 since it was done the way it was... but not 1 to 2... that counts.
4. I guess that John Hurt's doctor is actually a really aged Eight. I know he's said he doesn't age naturally, but it's not like he can't choose to.
Me: In a classic episode there is a couple of old time lords talking to one another about their upcoming regens because they do age... it just is slower than human.... Matt Smith aged 200 years and looked the same in "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon" between his invited self and his shot self.So Hurt could be an Aged version of 8. I thought that as soon as the Name of the Doctor was over. It is where I went right away. another thing... if he can change his looks via the 2 to 3 doctor theory says without regenerating, then he may have just changed his face because he couldn't stand to look at himself anymore after what he had to do. Anyway this is where a missing regen is. 5. The "Logan's Run" theory: 12 regens is an artificial limit imposed by the Time Lord to control population, or to prevent Time Lords from possibly loosing their grip on reality caused by living too long - when the biological fact is that they have many more re-gens.
Me: I like this theory. I think it is a lot like when 10 saves Adelaide in Waters on Mars. He was playing with a fixed point and it back fired. But because he is the last one left... can't he make his own rules. I would like to think if this is the case that it comes with consequences. Like maybe his regens could possibly have some sort of hindrance like when an older woman gives birth the risk of birth defects increase. Maybe that is the reason there was a limit in the first place. Not saying his next regen would have to have some malady but maybe its a possibility because his DNA and body has changed so much already it begins to put a strain on him. Maybe it would be a mental thing. It might start driving him mad. I mean REALLY MAD. Could be interesting. 6. "The Doctor’s Time Lord adversary the Master used up his entire allocation but was handed a new regenerative cycle after taking possession of a non-Time Lord body and later having it restructured (it's a long story)." Me: The doctor we know would never take the body of someone unless there was no hope for the survival of that person anyway because it would be like murder. It is an option but I just don't think its in character... remember how weird and evil it was in the movie for the master to take over that guy. He started Rotting... it was not good. 7. Perhaps Moff is referring to Brain of Morbius? Me: this has become my FAVORITE one. Theory is that 4 was actually 13 but only the 4th televised life of the doctor. maybe the first 8 were boring. He got to 9 (Hartnell) and decided to live life to the fullest and stole a TARDIS and got the heck outta dodge. Morbius shows 4th all of his past faces and there were 8 before Hartnell popped up. "How many lives have you lived?" This would also explain why the watcher had to help 4... why else would he need the help of a watcher?? He has regenerated on his own perfectly fine before and since. That would therefore make 5th the 1st regen of this new life. and that would make Matt 7 instead of 11. giving him PLENTY TO WORK WITH FOR THE FUTURE. Hell add the Mels/River theory and we have a good 15 Regenerations left. I digress, I really almost hope this one is it. Hartnell might have had a "mid-life crisis" Could have gone by "The Garbage Man" before (just an example for laughs please don't go off about that, y'all)... but BECAME the Doctor the moment he decided to take that TARDIS. That was when his life truly started for him.
I ALWAYS knew my father was a nerd. He was SUCH A NERD. And I loved him all the more for it. But I always thought I was more like my mom. An avid reader. Which is for all purposes just a different type of nerd. Dad liked Star Wars and playing Warhammer 40K and Magic the Gathering and ALWAYS had the latest video game systems to play his Final Fantasy games. And he totally passed that all to my brother... My brother owns a shop that deals in all things nerdy.
SO I should have seen it sooner... known it was going to happen. I am a nerd... it has been time to confess it for SUCH A LONG TIME NOW. Maybe I should have caught on when Harry Potter was a book series I couldn't put down. But I kept telling myself... this isn't what I usually read. This is an isolated incident of me liking something totally nerdy..... Then again when LOTR came out on the big screen.... But I lived in Denial for quite some time. It was around the time I was going to the HP movies (with my dad) that I finally started to give in. OK, Maybe I am a nerd.
As I have gotten older, I have done nothing but EMBRACE my nerdiness. And be proud of my many fandoms. No I don't LARP ( i would try it) and I don't do D&D (I would also try that too) but I have my deep seeded need to watch marathons of Doctor Who and write Fanfics of books while waiting for the next installment in a series.... Just to tide me over of course.
So I don't necessarily make it habit to watch Star Wars... in fact I can only remember watching the classic trilogy once... and I have recently thought about trying to watch it again... because well, i just didn't see the big deal about it then. I still have never seen a full episode or movie of Star Trek... but I am thinking of trying out the new movies just to see.... But I will got to a superhero movie at the drop of a hat.
My nerdiness may not be the same as my dad's but I love what I love with same passion he loved what he loved.... and that is the definition of a nerd... Well, my definition anyway....
Webster's says:
: a person who behaves awkwardly around other people and usually has unstylish clothes, hair, etc.
: a person who is very interested in technical subjects, computers, etc.