According to an interview with Steven Moffat, Steven said "Matt is actually the 13th and final doctor. John Hurt is officially now a doctor and David Tennant used up an extra regeneration during his stay."
Moffat has said in SEVERAL interviews that the 12 regeneration rule is CRUCIAL that he will not ignore it. And yet, we have Peter Capaldi waiting in the wings as it were.
How do you all think this will pan out?
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
this is neato!
(Cheryl Ravelo/Reuters) A Harry Potter fan, dressed as the character Lord Voldemort, browses the new release of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" at a bookstore in Manila July 21, 2007.
Psychologists have discovered that while reading a book or story, people are prone to subconsciously adopt their behavior, thoughts, beliefs and internal responses to that of fictional characters as if they were their own.
Experts have dubbed this subconscious phenomenon ‘experience-taking,’ where people actually change their own behaviors and thoughts to match those of a fictional character that they can identify with.
Researcher from the Ohio State University conducted a series of six different experiments on about 500 participants, reporting in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, found that in the right situations, ‘experience-taking,’ may lead to temporary real world changes in the lives of readers.
They found that stories written in the first-person can temporarily transform the way readers view the world, themselves and other social groups.
In one experiment lead author Geoff Kaufman a post-doctoral researcher at the Tiltfactor Laboratory at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hamphire, and his co-author Lisa Libby, an assistant professor of psychology at Ohio State University, found that people who had strongly identified with a fictional character who overcame obstacles to vote were also significantly more likely to vote in a real election several days later compared to participants who read a different story.
Psychologists also found that it was critical for the story to reveal characteristics shared by the reader earlier rather than later for ‘experience-taking’ to take effect.
“The early revelation of the group membership seemed to highlight the difference between readers and the character, and made it more difficult for readers to step into the character's shoes,” researchers wrote in the report.
In an experiment consisting of 70 heterosexual males, who were asked to read a story about a homosexual undergraduate student revealed extraordinarily different results depending on when in the narrative the character’s sexuality was exposed.
Participants who had found out about the protagonist being gay later in the narrative reported significantly more favorable attitudes toward homosexuals after reading the story than participants who read that the protagonist was gay early on or read that the protagonist was heterosexual.
“Those who read the gay-late narrative also relied less on stereotypes of homosexuals – they rated the gay character as less feminine and less emotional than did the readers of the gay-early story,” researchers wrote.
Researchers showed similar results with white students who read about a black student who was either identified as black early or late in the story.
The environment also played a major role in determining whether participants will engage in ‘experience-taking,’ according to the researcher.
In an experiment which required participants to read in front of a mirror, researchers reported that fewer readers were able to undergo ‘experience-taking’ because they were constantly reminded of their own self-concept and self-identity.
Researchers said that ‘experience-taking’ can only happen when readers are able to in a way forget about themselves and their own self-concept and self-identity when reading.
"The more you're reminded of your own personal identity, the less likely you'll be able to take on a character's identity," Kaufman said in a news release. "You have to be able to take yourself out of the picture, and really lose yourself in the book in order to have this authentic experience of taking on a character's identity."
In contrast, watching a movie does not require viewers to engage any more than as a spectator, which would limit the ability of putting themselves in the shoes of fictional characters.
Researchers said that experience-taking is different from perspective-taking, a process where individuals try to comprehend what another person is experiencing in a particular situation, without losing sight of their own identity.
"Experience-taking is much more immersive -- you've replaced yourself with the other," Libby said in a statement.
The process is spontaneous and happens naturally under the right circumstances.
"Experience-taking can be very powerful because people don't even realize it is happening to them. It is an unconscious process," Libby said, adding that the phenomenon could have powerful, if not lasting, effects.
“If you can get people to relate to characters in this way, you might really open up their horizons, getting them to relate to social groups that maybe they wouldn't have otherwise,” Libby told the Edmonton Journal.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
One week
The 50th Anniversary is fast approaching now with only one week to go before we mark the milestone of Doctor Who’s vast legacy. And what better way to get the party started and our double heartbeats pumping than to throw in a prelude story to ‘The Day of the Doctor’ that includes a very familiar face, one who hasn’t been onscreen since 1996.
I was just as shocked as everyone else when I discovered that Paul McGann was indeed back for an appearance within the 50th year. In fact I’d go as far to say that I was blooming excited to see his face again! Just when all hope had left me about the appearance of any Classic Doctor’s in the flesh and then wham! Moffat pulls the rug from underneath our feet once again with this surprise appearance. And not only that we finally see closure to McGann’s Doctor; something fans have wanted since the show’s return in 2005.
The story itself was straight forward. A space-pilot called Cass was about to die as her ship came plummeting towards a planet. Asking for a Doctor, the Eighth Doctor miraculously appeared behind with the brilliant opening line of, “I’m a Doctor. But probably not the one you were expecting.” With that the Eighth Doctor tried endlessly to save Cass but upon discovering that her would-be saviour was in fact a Time Lord, she decided to reject his help knowing too well he was a part of a foul race that had become no better than the Daleks due to the ongoing Time War. In order to prove he was not like the others, nor even a part of the War, the Eighth Doctor decided to stay aboard with Cass while at all times trying to persuade her that he wished to help her. This event ultimately led to his death and the reasoning behind his regeneration.
It was a nice little piece, written brilliantly once again by Moffat himself, and gave a wonderful little ending to the Eighth Doctor era (which still continues within the Big Finish Audio Adventures – marking McGann as the longest serving Doctor in a Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey kind of a way). The sequence was just jam-packed with nostalgia with McGann’s return being at the centre of it. Then we get the surprise return to Karn (last seen in ‘The Brain of Morbius’ onscreen and in ‘Sisters of the Flame’ and ‘The Vengeance of Morbius’ within the Big Finish Audio Adventures) where we see the Sisterhood of Karn once again plaguing the Doctor (at least this time they offer him life unlike trying to take it from him upon their first meeting in ‘The Brain of Morbius’). The last piece of call-back was during the Eighth Doctor’s final moments were we hear him acknowledge of all his companions he had travelled with within that incarnation, which finally shows that Big Finish is canon within the main series due to this.
‘The Night of the Doctor’ was very dark and upsetting due to the circumstances for Eight’s end. He died trying to convince a person that he was the ‘Doctor’, a man of healing and a man of good things. The Doctor tried to make a point that he was different to his race, a major call-back to his long life and adventures trying to escape the codes of his people and the reasons he ran away from Gallifrey in the first place. Alas, this brought his downfall in more ways than one. The Sisterhood of Karn suspended his apparent death and offered him the choices of different bodies the Eighth Doctor could take within his next life in order to fight within the Last Great Time War. At first he refused and insisted on being himself, a charming young hero who wishes to save lives wherever he can whilst keeping the persona of a young child who wishes to have fun and be funny or sarcastic whenever the time called for it. His lines mocking the Sisterhood was a great example of this:
The Eighth Doctor: Hang on. Is it you? Am I back on Karn? You’re the Sisterhood of Karn. Keepers of the Flame of utter boredom.
Ohila: Eternal life.
The Eighth Doctor: That’s the one.
Unfortunately though in the end the Eighth Doctor brought about the beginning of darkness; bringing to life the Oncoming Storm who would bring about the end of the Time War in the harshest way possible. It’s sad that he finally realised that he would have to go to war otherwise others would die over and over again. This decision even made him realise that there was no more need for a Doctor.
Either way ‘The Night of the Doctor’ was a brilliant beginning to the 50th Anniversary Special ‘The Day of the Doctor’. It was filled with nostalgia, which is what you want during the Anniversary – call-backs to the past as well as moving the show forward, with the wonderful return of McGann as the Eighth Doctor and all the nice treats in-between. Like he was never away from his role, McGann stepped back onscreen and shined as he gave his incarnation one hell of a send off just in time for 50 years of the show. As said above, at least his adventures shall continue further within his Big Finish adventures. Roll on now ‘The Day of the Doctor’ as we see the Eleventh and Tenth Doctor confront their darkest secret and darkest day
So what do you all think??
I think he is most definitely a regeneration. But he is not calling himself the doctor so .they will stay numbered as they are.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Fake Geek Girls
Because I just came across this video... It is from 2012 but the message is still needed... NerdGrils UNITE!
Because I just came across this video... It is from 2012 but the message is still needed... NerdGrils UNITE!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
the countdown of the nerds has started and a question.....
three weeks until the special!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok... I want to play some nerdy games... who can tell me what games (board, nintendo ds/3ds or pc (laptop friendly)) I can try????
Ok... I want to play some nerdy games... who can tell me what games (board, nintendo ds/3ds or pc (laptop friendly)) I can try????
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